Hair Loss Solution
Every guy who is uncomfortable with their thinning or balding hair always has an eye opened to the latest hair loss solution on the market. There are a tremendous amount of options available and a new hair loss solution seems to hit the market almost every day. However, no hair loss solution has proven to be successful every time and only one formula is approved by the FDA. What hair loss solution is right for you?
Shampoos and Pills- Shampoos and conditioners will offer a slight hair loss solution, but don’t bank on it unless you are using it in conjunction with another product. The same generally goes for hair loss solution pills that are on the market to try to activate the right follicles in the head to stimulate hair growth, try them in conjunction with another hair loss solution for any benefit.
Hair Loss Treatments- Hair loss solutions like Rogaine and Propecia are treatments that have been proven over time to stimulate hair growth and provide a solution to men. Rogaine (minoxidil) is actually the only hair loss solution on the market to be approved by the FDA for use and advertisement. Rogaine and Propecia are the two most widely used hair loss solutions on the market today.
Hair Restoration Surgery- Surgical hair restorations like the Bosley hair restoration are proven hair loss solutions that are available to anyone with an open pocketbook. The surgery can cost anywhere from a few thousand dollars up to $15,000, a bit steep for most consumers. Hair loss solution seekers usually find this to be a reasonable solution, but it will cost you.
The bottom line with hair loss solutions is that there is no guaranteed solution to the problem. You can find some that are better than others and some will work for one guy and not the next, but none are guaranteed successful every time. Don’t stop at one hair loss solution if it doesn’t work for you, continue to try other products and if all else fails, consider hair restoration surgery.
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