Generate Free Targeted Traffic Thru Social Networketing by Pugsley Bartholomew

Generate Free Targeted Traffic Thru Social Networking by Pugsley Bartholomew
With the cost of advertising and pay-per-click increasing about as fast as gas prices, many internet marketers are choosing other methods to drive traffic to their websites. One of the biggest and most effective ways people are using today is social networking, also known as Web 2.0 .
Web 2.0 is a combination of social networking sites, such as article writing sites, social bookmarking sites, targeted advertising sites, and social forums. Each of these types of sites and each individual site have their own rules and regulations, but by utilizing these social networking sites you can generate a tremendous amount of traffic, and that traffic is already targeted traffic.
Here are 4 Ways to Generate Targeted Traffic Thru Social Networking: 1.) Article Marketing: There are a ton of article distribution sites on the internet today. The benefits of writing and distributing articles on these sites are many, let me name a few. You write good content articles, relevant to your niche, rich in keywords, then link that article back to your website or blog, that generates traffic. Your article is available to everyone on the internet, but since the article marketing sites break their sites into categories, the traffic you get will already be targeted traffic and not someone just surfing the net. You will help build your name and brand, as long as you write good content articles that create value to the searchers. By submitting your articles to these sites, it means they are available for other people to pick-up and post them on their website or blog. that means your links are being posted in many places on the internet. That not only helps to drive traffic to your website or blog, but it also helps to boost your page rank, which will help to increase your web traffic again.
2.) Social Bookmarking: These are sites that you join to help you target and organize your bookmarking to sites that are relevant to your niche.
Unlike when you happen to be surfing the net and you run across a website or a blog you happen to like for what ever reason and you go to your tool bar and bookmark that site , so it is easy to return to, when you join one of the bookmarking sites, you will set-up tags and this will keep you focused on sites that are relevant to your niche. Then you can develop relationships with the people on these sites , make comments on there articles, leave a link and drive targeted traffic back to your site.
3.) Join Online Forums: Today there are forums for every niche, product, service and interest you could imagine to put on the internet. By searching the internet and finding forums (people) that share the same interest as you and joining them, you can communicate with thousands of people that that could turn into customers.
Forums are a great place to get into discussions about products , services and the internet, but they are not a place to sell products or services. In most forums you can leave a link in a place called the bio box, but not in the discussion.
Participating in forums is a good place to get answers to a question you have about a product or service or method that you don't understand, or it is a good to help someone else get an answer to a question they have and establish yourself as an expert.
Just be careful with these forums, they can be a lot of fun and you can become addicted to them and end up spending too much time on them.
4.) Targeted Advertising Sites: These are social sites that allow you to build a page that is like writing an article, but can be like a sales page to, with links to your website or to another sales page or squeeze page for a product or service.
You can also build a page that is just for socializing, not to sell anything, just to express an opinion or an idea on a certain event or issue.
These sites are very beneficial and can generate a lot of traffic to your website Again this traffic will be targeted traffic, these sites break down the pages into categories, so when someone comes to your page (lense, hub,ect.) they are already looking for a certain product and are more likely to purchase.
These sites are really great because the give you the best of both worlds, you socialize and sell a product or service at the same time. A lot of these pages end-up on the 1st page of google in their respective niche.
In some of the social networking methods, the results may not come as quick as in pay - per - click or paid advertising, but once established, they will possibly even surpass the amount and the quality of the traffic you can get with paid methods. Plus remember all the traffic generated with social networking is targeted traffic and it is FREE.
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About the Author
Pugsley Bartholomew Reveals 4 Ways To Generate Free Targeted Traffic - Thru Social Networking.